2-2 Image to Image

Ready to transform images? Step into the world of image-to-image and learn its parameters and workflow.

In the practical application of AI painting, due to the uncertainty of the initial images produced by the model, the actual controllability of the output images is not high. Subsequently, we can use the "Image to Image" function to modify the pictures towards our desired direction, thereby enhancing the controllability of the generated images.

What is Image to Image?

The "Image to Image" function is an AI-based image generation technology that allows users to generate new images based on an existing picture combined with text descriptions. This technology is significant because it can create new visual content by mixing image and text prompts according to the specific needs of users.

Simply put, the process of considering both the prompt words and the image information in the reference picture and then drawing is what constitutes the image-to-image generation.

Before and after comparison of turning an image into anime style

Analysis of Img to Img Parameters

Intelligent Analysis

Automatically inferring matching prompts based on the provided image, as well as a model that matches the image. However, the prompts generated by intelligent analysis may contain incorrect prompts, so it is recommended to manually perform a second screening. This function primarily serves as a reference for writing prompt words.

SeaArt intelligent analysis feature

Workflow of Img to Img

Workflow: Upload Reference Image - Set Model Prompts - Set Parameters - Generate

After uploading the reference image, open intelligent analysis, which will automatically fill in the prompts, Model, and image size. It is recommended to readjust the prompts according to actual needs. The parameter settings are the same as for generating initial images. Finally, click to generate the image, and AI will create a new image based on the reference picture and the user's instructions.

*The larger the redrawing extent, the greater the difference from the original image. It is generally set between 0.4-0.8.

Denoising Strength: This parameter controls the degree of divergence in the redrawing process based on the original image. The higher the value, the more freedom the model has during the redrawing process, and the greater the difference between the drawing result and the original reference image.

Four examples of AI-generated images of a girl

When the Denoising Strength is too high, it becomes difficult to associate the drawn image content with the original image, hence, we typically keep the value of the redrawing extent between 0.4 and 0.8.

Partial Repainting

Partial Repainting allows for modifications and adjustments to specific areas within an image. This feature is particularly suited for fine-tuning local details. It also requires the addition of prompts to guide the modification content. This is used when the majority of the image content is satisfactory, but there is a need to adjust some detail elements.

After uploading the image, click the brush on the right to enter the Partial Repainting area. Then, you can smear the image. After smearing, fill in the prompts for the smeared area in the prompt box.

Partial repainting an AI image

After using Partial Repainting, only the selected area has been redrawn, while the other areas remain unchanged.

Adjust crown within an AI-generated image

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