4-5 Advanced Repair

Enhance your AI art with SeaArt's advanced tools! Upscale for higher resolution, and repair characters and faces for flawless results.


Enabling it can increase the output image size and quality, but it will also increase the rendering time and computational resources consumption. The resulting image with enhancements will have richer details and higher visual quality.

Advanced Repair - Upscale - Before and After

Algorithm and parameters:

4x-UltraSharp: This algorithm increases the image resolution by 4 times. It pays special attention to maintaining the sharpness of edges and details when enlarging images.

R-ESRGAN 4x+: This algorithm increases the image resolution by more than 4 times. It uses GAN to improve image quality, resulting in more realistic images with finer textures.

R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B: This algorithm increases the image resolution by more than 4 times and is optimized for anime-style images.

8x_NMKD-Superscale_150000_G: This algorithm increases the image resolution by 8 times and is suitable for applications requiring high-resolution output.

Other options are generally set to their default values.

Character Repair

Mainly used for fixing issues with characters' hands, faces, and bodies, essentially incorporating an automatic partial Repainting function.


Face: Exquisite face…

Hands: Normal hands, five fingers…

Denoising Strength: Similar to the extent of redrawing; the larger the value, the greater the changes after generating the image.

Confidence: The range of recognition for the parts; the smaller the value, the smaller the recognition range. It is recommended to lower the value for scenes with multiple people

Advanced Repair - Character Repair - Before and After

Restore Faces

Use this option to repair facial details and prevent the image from collapsing too much. When the face occupies a large proportion of the image, selecting this option may result in excessive fitting and blurring. It is recommended to select this option when the face is in a long shot. Use this with real photos.

Advanced Repair - Restore Faces - Before and After

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