4-3 Basic Settings

Control your AI art in SeaArt! Adjust image quantity, mode, and size to achieve your desired level of detail and composition.

Creation Process: Select Model - Enter Prompts - Adjust Parameters - Generate

Set the Quantity, Mode, and Size of images:

Image Quantity: How many images to generate at once.

Image Mode: The clarity of the images.

Image Size: Typically, portrait orientation is used for generating character images, while landscape orientation is used for scenery images. Maximum supported size is 1024*1204 pixels.

I. When the resolution is constant, larger image sizes can accommodate more information, resulting in richer details in the final image. If the image size is set to be small, the image content may appear rough.

II. Although selecting a larger image size can enhance the richness of details, it also increases computational burden, prolongs the time required for drawing, and raises computational resource consumption. Additionally, when the image size exceeds a certain range, the model interprets it as multiple images stitched together, resulting in issues such as multiple people or limbs appearing within one image.

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