2-9 AI Audio

Choose any voice to realize text-to-speech and unleash your creativity!

Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology brings your text to life, transforming written content into vibrant, spoken audio. With just a click, you can listen to your documents, books, or any written material as if someone is speaking directly to you. Ideal for multitasking, learning on the go, or simply making information more accessible, TTS opens up a world of possibilities, enabling you to hear the future of reading. Experience the freedom and flexibility to absorb content wherever, whenever.

Page Entrance:

How to Use “Text to Speech"

  1. Click on AI Audio to enter the audio community.

  2. Select a audio you like, click "Generate," and enter your text (currently supports English, Japanese, and Chinese). Then click "Generate" again.

*You can view previously generated audios in the history record on the right.

If you do not like any of the available audios, you can choose to customize your own audio.

Three steps to train your audio

Step 1: Fill in the relevant audio information.

Step 2: Upload audio material.


I. Optimal audio standards:

At least 20 seconds, up to 5 minutes; we recommend uploading about 45 seconds.

II. Note: Do not upload music. Choosing a audio with distinctive features and a clean, isolated audio effect works best.

Step 3: Click "Train Now."

After the training is complete, you can view the results in the training records or on your personal homepage.

Click on 'Training Records' to listen to the trained audio.

Last updated