4-1 Model

Unlock AI image creation with SeaArt! Explore Checkpoints, Loras, and their interplay to generate stunning and unique visuals.

In SeaArt, there's no longer a need for local model deployment. You can simply choose online, or even upload and train your own models.

Creation Process: Choose model - Enter prompts - Adjust relevant parameters - Generate


Generally speaking, both Lora and Checkpoint are referred to as models. Therefore, we can call Checkpoint the large model or base model. Compared to Lora, the large model is relatively larger, ranging from 2GB to 7GB, and it determines the main style of the final image.

Same prompts, different Model:

Prompts: black hair, princess, frills, standing, short hair

AI Image Generation Model - Checkpoint

Recommended Checkpoint:


AI Image Generation Model - Recommended Checkpoint - Realistic


AI Image Generation Model - Recommended Checkpoint - Anime


LoRA is typically around 100MB in size. It can "fine-tune" the style of images, fix the appearance, posture, etc. On top of overlaying the Checkpoint, adjusting weights can achieve different effects. In the SeaArt, Lora can stack up to 5.

Character LoRA: These models specialize in capturing specific character traits, such as appearance, body proportions, and expressions, commonly found in cartoons, video games, or other media. They prove valuable for fan artwork creation, game development, and animation/illustration projects.

Style LoRA: These models are tailored to mimic the artistic style of specific artists or artistic movements. They excel in transforming reference images into the desired aesthetic, making them useful for stylization purposes.

Clothing LoRA: Similar to Style LoRA, Clothing LoRA models focus on specific clothing styles or fashion aesthetics. They are adept at generating images with a particular clothing aesthetic, offering applications in fashion design and digital styling.

Different Lora with the same Checkpoint and prompt:

Prompt: A girl, frontal view, close-up, sitting on a plush chair, exquisite face, full of confidence, luxurious atmosphere, top quality, 8k.

AI Image Generation Model - LoRA

Add multiple Loras:

After adding the Team Rocket Uniform, not only did it increase the weight of Lora, but it also added related prompts for Lora: "Team Rocket uniform," "red letter R," "white skirt," "white short top," "black long sleeves," "black elbow gloves," making the effect of Lora more pronounced.

AI Anime Girl Generated by LoRA

If the effect is not significant after adding Lora, we can try:

I. Adjusting the weight of Lora

II. Entering corresponding prompts

Compared to Checkpoint, Lora has shorter training time and higher "flexibility," and can exert good effects on controlling images.


I. SD1.5 and SDXL's Lora cannot be used together.

II. Most Lora require trigger words. Including these words in the prompts can emphasize the unique subject or style provided by the Lora. These trigger words are not always necessary, but it is recommended to include them in the prompts to ensure stable image generation.

AI Image Generation Model - LoRA - Base Model and Trigger Words

Different Lora Effects:

  1. Detail Tweaker LoRA: The higher the weight, the more details.

AI Image Generation Model - Detail Tweaker LoRA
AI Image Generation Model - Detail Tweaker LoRA Example
  1. epi_noiseoffset: Increases contrast.

AI Image Generation Model - epi_noiseoffset
  1. Makima (Chainsaw Man) LoRA: Fixes the character's image.

AI Image Generation Model - Makima (Chainsaw Man) LoRA Result
  1. ankymoore illustration: Modifies the art style.

AI Image Generation Model - ankymoore illustration LoRA Result

*Lora has many functions, trying different Loras may bring more surprises!

Last updated